Don’t dream of an enviable career with fat bonuses and allowances without doing the first thing you ought to do. Otherwise all your dream will amount to wishful thinking that will never materialize to anything.
You want a good job? Everybody wants that. But certain actions you take may work against you getting what you want.
Actions such as applying for any and every job vacancy you see that is remotely related to your field may not help you. Just as in every other matters related to business and life, focus is needed in your job search.
the first rule in Job search
Define Your Dream Job
You may or may not have a job right now but you need to have a picture of the kind of job you will love to do most. Define the type of compensation you would love to take home. Specify the kind of field you want to work in and even make a well researched list of companies or organizations you’ll love to work for.
What you are reading here is not fiction . It is something that will help you channel all of your energy and time into getting the type of job you want.
Unless you are not the ambitious and hungry type do not settle for just any job. There are jobs that lead to nowhere. There are places you can work in for years without prospect of growth. You have to plan your career. You don’t climb to become a CEO of a billion naira organization by chance. You have to have a plan no matter how sketchy.
When you define your career hopes you’ll know where you are headed and you’ll know where exactly to meet people and network.
There is no sense in joining the crowd. Follow a focused and determined path. Remember, most valuable jobs are not openly advertised and even they are, those who have the right network and insider information get the jobs easier than the rest of thousands who don’t really know where they are going or what is happening.
http://bestnigerianjobs.com is a well visited and useful Nigerian careers and job vacancies blog that publishes regular and relevant job vacancies and career resources for ambitious career people. Check us out today